Lynbrook Class of 1968 List Dinner, Picnic, and Bricks, Oh My!
Dada Mail
Lynbrook Class of 1968 List
Lynbrook Class of 1968 List Dinner, Picnic, and Bricks, Oh My!
Dear 68'ers,
Things are moving along; lots of classmates have signed up for the gala dinner. Don't miss out! I'll post the complete list of events at the bottom again.
The Picnic
We need to have a good idea of how many are attending the picnic at Portal Park on Sun, June 23rd, 11:30-3:30. Anyone is welcome- your families or other Lynbrook alumni who want to see people. We’ll have burgers, hotdogs, chicken, soft drinks, wine and beer. We need to know how many adults/children you have who are planning on attending, and your preference for food/drink so we can purchase the correct quantities. Somethting like:”This is Jane and Joe Smith, we’ll be attending the picnic with 4 adults and 3 kids. 3 cheeseburgers/2 chicken/2 hotdogs. 2 drinking wine (white) and 2 drinking beer”.We ask that you make a monetary contribution on-site appropriate for what you consume. Send an email with your plans to Geoff or Rob. There is also an event in the LHS68 Facebook page you can signup to. --Rob Karr
Fundraising Bricks for LHS
According to the Assistant Principal Brooke Chan, here is a way you can support current programs at the school, specifically the athletic department. There is an ongoing fundraiser at We will start a class fund for the bricks that can be labeled “Class of 1968–50 Year Reunion”. Any amount can be contributed, and send money to Rob Karr (PayPal to Rob Karr or mail a check to him at Rob Karr, 11157 Linda Vista Dr, Cupertino, CA 95014). At the end of the June events, we will purchase bricks with the amount. Individuals can also their own personal bricks. When they are installed all the bricks could be grouped together. We thought maybe this would be a good way to be involved, especially for those classmates that can't make it out to the reunion. --Martha Brown Gould
Classmates Virtual Yearbook
General Updating Your Info
If you have moved or changed email addresses in the last 10 years, it would be nice to check in with us. We don't do anything with the database except for trying to keep in touch when we have reunions. It has never been used for any other purpose. You can send Martha Brown Gould any updates for the list. Here is the page that explains most of the updates:
See you soon,
Private mailing list for Lynbrook's one and only first graduating class.