--> Lynbrook Class of 1968 List Message

Lynbrook Class of 1968 List Message

Date: June 14th 2018

Fellow Great Sixty Eight'ers,

Not sure if there will be more newsletters before we meet next weekend, but folks are getting pretty excited, and want to know who else is coming.  There are two ways to know this.  One, is to look at the Online Classmates Directory. When looking through the listings, you might see some red letters, such as this: Confirmed for 50th.  We feel pretty confident about this list, as it represents those who have already reserved their Gala Dinner tickets with Rob Karr.  There will be some additional family and friends too.  If that's too much trouble, just look below at this decidedly unsexy table of first and last names I put together from the spreadsheet:

First  last
Susan Elizabeth Albrecht Colbeck
Clifford R. Baughn
Susan A Beggs Detro
Kerry Belshaw Garcia
Marion Brewer
Martha Lee Brown Gould
Janet L. Buttcane Cox
Iris M. Cabral Bilodeau
Nancy L. Clemens Holm
James R. Courtright
Linda Jo Crum Conlan
Anna DeRita Drury
Howell Robert Finkle
Richard C. Floyd
Geoffrey L. Gould
Brenda Kay Hall Degarmo
Vicky Jo Hazelbaker Russell
Karen Hildestad Zipser
Bob Hill
Joe Hopkins
Steve Ichinaga
Wayne Jasper
Jeff Johnson
James A. Johnston
Robert W Karr
Gerald L. Katz
Julie Christine Lanyon Innamorato
Susan Lawler Barringer
Linden Lui Elwood
George W. McFetridge
Mike V. McGee
Katy Meyers McCracken
Diane L. Moritz Johnston
Sylvia C. Nelson Vanzweeden
Kathy O'Neill Yoo
Nancy Pearson Shock
Sandy Piper
Randy R. Reeve
Sandra Lynn Robbins Annison
Dennis Wayne Schneider
James Siano
Art Smith
Kathy Marie Smith Holcomb
Linda L. Smith Pyers
G. Patrick Spencer
Craig A. Spingath
Charlotte Stenback Brunetta
Howard T. Webber
Barbara Joan Wenger Atkinson
Jane Cecile Wesolowski Schnegg
Jill White-Robinson
Glen Robert Wiley
Scott R. Yoo
James J. Zils

Who's coming to the other events?

The data is not as clear for the Santa Cruz hang, the music jam at Longstock, or the Sunday Picnic.  We have some signup events on facebook, but I assume there will be people showing up who didn't sign up, as always happens.  We do ask you to check in with Rob Karr if you're coming to the picnic.  Let him know what you want to eat and drink.  There is no up front  cost for the picnic food; we'll just pass the hat, to try and cover things.  Here's a list of events we've got in the facebook format:

Thick as a Brick?

As mentioned before, we are suggesting that some classmates who can't make the reunion might like to help out the school.  There is a campaign to purchase bricks that are installed on the campus, with most of the money going towards the athletic programs.  Martha and I are getting a brick!  Wayne Jasper did this some time ago, and sent us a pic of his brick:

Wayne's Brick

Here's a repeat of the note Martha wrote in a prior newsletter:

According to the Assistant Principal Brooke Chan, here is a way you can support current programs at the school, specifically the athletic department. There is an ongoing fundraiser at https://www.engravedbricks.com/campaign/Lynbrook. We will start a class fund for the bricks that can be labeled “Class of 1968–50 Year Reunion”. Any amount can be contributed, and send money to Rob Karr (PayPal to Rob Karr or mail a check to him at Rob Karr, 11157 Linda Vista Dr, Cupertino, CA 95014). At the end of the June events, we will purchase bricks with the amount. Individuals can also their own personal bricks. When they are installed all the bricks could be grouped together.  We thought maybe this would be a good way to be involved, especially for those classmates that can't make it out to the reunion. --Martha Brown Gould

Master Schedule

I goofed, and forgot to include it before, but this time for sure:

LHS '68 50th Reunion Activities

See you at the reunion!

LHS68 reunion steering committee

Geoff Gould, LHS68.net webmaster  geoff.gould@lhs68.net
Rob Karr, Finances  rob.karr@lhs68.net
Nancy (Pearson) Shock, Events nancy.pearson@lhs68.net
Steve Ichinaga steve.ichinaga@lhs68.net
Sue (Lawler) Berringer sue.lawler@lhs68.net
Martha (Brown) Gould, Membership, martha.brown.gould@lhs68.net

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